Artist + Activist = ArtivistY? is a community “Artivist” (artist+activist) born and raised in Jamaica Queens. His poems and short stories flowed onto stages and studios Emceeing inspired by Hiphop culture. After attending a 9 month audio school and …

Artist + Activist = Artivist

Y? is an omni-dimensional “Artivist” (artist+activist) from Jamaica Queens NYC. Through HipHop culture and “Jazz” his words, melodies and sounds flowed onto stages and studios locally and internationally. After training in audio engineering and music production in world class studios he searched for a greater purpose. Y? used his artistic skills to serve youth and community working as artist educator composing and performing original thematic music across the globe for himself and others. This led him to found allowing this purpose driven work to develop him personally and professionally musician, vocalist, songwriter, composer and producer without limitation via the mantra “Show Love”.